Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sometimes they just let you know...

Kids are funny like that.  You could be having a horrible day with them.  A day filled with defiance, sibling fighting, time-outs and tantrums.

...and then they surprise you.

While I was tucking her and her sister in, Sophia was hard at work in her bed drawing on a pad of paper.  By the look on her face I could tell that whatever she was working on was not going to be worth the fight to get her to stop and go to sleep.  I told her she could have 5 minutes to finish and then she would have to go to sleep.  She agreed and five minutes later she came running out or her room to give me this...

These are the little moments that they forget to tell you about.  

You know them when they happen...  A simple unprompted hug, or an "I love you, Daddy".

...and like tonight, sometimes they really surprise you.  

Sometimes they just let you know that you're doing it right...

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